5 tips From Docu The Social Dilemma to Control Your Social Media Time

Johan Versteegh
Oct 29, 2020

You have probably seen the thought-provoking documentary The Social Dilemma on Netflix by now.

The documentary shares many insights about social media and delves into the implications of social media addiction as an invasive force in our everyday lives

You will realize why it is so important to be mindful of your time on those platforms and your activities online.

When the credits are running at the end, multiple tips are shared about how we can ensure social media is not controlling us.

Check the video for 5 tips that are mentioned at the end of the documentary.

One of them is to follow accounts you disagree with.

When you do that you won’t absorb the same content over and over again while your echo chamber is increasing in size.

One of the insights that I appreciate was the following analogy shared by the man behind Facebook’s like button Justin Rosenstein:

We live in a world in which a tree and a whale is worth more financially dead than alive. For as long as corporations act in this way and are unregulated, these corporations are going to continue to destroy trees, to mine the earth… Now humans are the trees and whales. We are more profitable while we are spending time staring at a screen and consuming advertising and providing data to these big unregulated companies like Facebook, Google and the like.

What have you learned from the Social Dilemma and what tips have you implemented or will you implement to curb social media addiction?

Originally published at https://www.socialmediabreakup.com on October 29, 2020.



Johan Versteegh

I help people unchain themselves from their phones and social media. Technology is good, but we need to preserve our mind and spirit. Socialmediabreakup.com.